Policy Statement

Our aim is to provide you and your horse with the best possible service and care and in line with our professional code of conduct; to pursue our work with integrity, respecting our responsibilities to the public, our clients and the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons.  First and foremost, we endeavour to ensure the health and welfare of animals entrusted to our care. 

We encourage feedback regarding all of our services and constantly strive to make effective improvement where opportunities arise.  The sooner we are made aware, the sooner we can address feedback even if this is during current treatment.

How Do I Give Feedback?

You can use one of the following methods to contact us;

  1. Tell us in person – In the first instance we encourage you to speak to the person in charge of your horses care; they may be able to resolve your concern there and then.  If they are unavailable, please discuss your concerns with any member of our team who will be only too happy to help.  We would much rather talk to you about it now.
  • Telephone us on (01420) 551365
  • Write to us at the practice

What Information Do You Need?

When making a complaint, please provide the following information:

  • Your name, address and preferred and convenient contact telephone number and email address
  • The name of your horse
  • The date that relates to your complaint (if appropriate)
  • A brief description of your concerns
  • A summary of what, in your opinion, we can best do to deal with your concern

In general, if you have a concern, it is best to raise it as soon as possible so that we may investigate and resolve any matters which may still be ongoing.

What Will We Do When We Receive Your Complaint?

We will treat any concerns you raise confidentially.  Upon receiving your correspondence, we will acknowledge receipt as soon as practically possible and within 7 working days.  We may need to investigate the matter further before being able to reach a conclusion; if this is the case we will do our best to look into it as quickly as possible and will reply to you as soon as we are able.  In normal circumstances, we would aim to have addressed your complaint within 14 working days of receiving it or provide an explanation for the delay in meeting this objective.

What If I Am Unhappy With The Outcome?

If we are unable to provide you with a satisfactory response to your complaint you may contact appropriate external bodies such as the Veterinary Client Mediation Service (www.vetmediation.co.uk) or the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons (www.rcvs.org.uk).